ISTANBUL, June 17 (KUNA) -- Two Kurds from the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) died during clashes with Turkish forces in southeast Turkey, the Turkish military said in a statement on Thursday.
The statement published on Turkish military website said that the exchange of fire occurred in Cukurca area of Hakkari'nin province, adding that there were three PKK rebels who were injured in the clashes.
The clashes occurred after started two days of incursion by the Turkish military in northern Iraq, which resulted in killing four PKK rebels.
The clashes erupted after the announcement by PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan, who is currently imprisoned in Turkey that it's up to rebels to fight since Ankara is not negotiating anymore.
The Turkish government has rejected Ocalan's call for dialogue and insisted on surrendering or face the Turkish army. (end) ta.hs KUNA 171639 Jun 10NNNN