BAGHDAD, Oct 3 (KUNA) -- An army officer was shot dead by unknown gunmen in Mosul while a policeman was killed in a bomb attack in Kirkuk, north Iraq, Wednesday.
The gunmen who were in a speeding car gunned down an army lieutenant in Al-Jazaer district, east Mosul city, a police source told KUNA here.
A roadside bomb targeting a police patrol on Cornish St., Kirkuk, killed a policeman and damaged the vehicle of the patrol, the source added.
Meanwhile, the Iraqi army and police launched a large-scale joint operation against militants in Borj billage, of Al-Touz township, south Kirkuk.
The campaign led to the arrest of nine terror suspects and the confiscation of large quantities of arms and munitions, the source added. (end) KUNA 031625 Oct 07NNNN