06:44 GMT
NEW YORK, Oct 2 (KUNA) -- Minnesota Governor and Democratic Vice President candidate Tim Walz and his Republican counterpart and Ohio Senator JD Vance went head-to-head in a debated hosted by CNN late Tuesday in New York City.
The debate focused on issues such as immigration, national security, housing, rule of law and as for foreign policy, it focused on the recent crises in the Middle East.
On immigration, Vance accused current Vice President and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris of failure to handle the issue, leading to million of Americans losing job opportunities, educational and health rights as well as causing to a housing crisis.
Walz countered Vance and said the Republicans had created an immigration crisis via sabotaging the Congress efforts in handling the matter. He also jabbed at Vance and inquired about the "Wall" promised former President and current runner Donald Trump.
On real estate and housing, Vance blamed loose policies towards immigrants that allowed for fewer houses, while Walz indicated that there were fewer houses for sale and rent, which he vowed that the Democratic Party would address via a detailed plan.
On the Presidential race, Vance touted that the "American Dream" would be realized through a Trump win, saying that his previous statements about the former President were inaccurate fueled by misleading media reports.
Firing back, Walz warned that a second Trump Presidency would be detrimental to the US going forward.
On one of the major issues of US foreign policy, Vance said that President Joe Biden's handling of the development had led Iran to do what it wanted, stressing that such explosive situation in the Middle East would not have occurred during a Trump Presidency.
Walz said that Trump Presidency's handling of Iran was catastrophic and would continue so if he won.
Walz called for a reinforced presence of the US in the Middle East.
The debate came while Republicans and Democrats were in fierce competition in swinging Midwest states.
In a poll carried out by CNN, viewers had a positive impression with most seeing Vance and Walz as suitable VP candidates. (end)