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Ireland recognizes State of Palestine

KUWAIT, May 28 (KUNA) - The Prime Minister of Ireland Simon Harris, announced Tuesday that Ireland has formally recognized the State of Palestine in a government meeting, affirming the decision is about "keeping hope alive." Harris added, "We had wanted to recognize Palestine at the end of a peace process, however, we have made this move alongside Spain and Norway to keep the miracle of peace alive." He called on the Israeli occupation entity's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to "listen to the world and stop the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza." Ireland's Foreign Minister Micheal Martin said that the government's decision, "represents our conviction that a political path is the only way to break the cycle of dispossession, subjugation, dehumanization, terrorism, and death." After a political campaign to officially recognize Palestine as a state in accordance with international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, two days ago Spain, Ireland and Norway simultaneously announced their intention to recognize the State of Palestine in response.
The government decision of the three countries will enter into force Tuesday, May 28, and it will grant Palestine all rights and duties as an independent state. (end) ams.res