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Briefing of KUNA main news for Monday until 12:00 GMT

KUWAIT -- Kuwait's Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns Israeli occupation's aggression on Rafah's displaced people's tents, killing tens including women and children.

KUWAIT -- Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Al-Yahya holds in-depth discussions with Chinese officials dealing with means of boosting relations in execution of mega development ventures.

KUWAIT -- European Union Foreign Ministers are to meet their counterparts from five Arab countries and the Secretary General of the Arab League in Brussels on Monday to discuss the dire situation in Gaza.

DUBAI -- Arab Media Summit kicks off in Dubai with Kuwait represented by Minister of Information and Culture Abdulrahman Al-Mutairi.

CAIRO -- Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukry says it is essential for the European Union (EU) to provide direct funding to the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) budget amid Israeli occupation's financial restraints. (end)