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Briefing of KUNA main news for Sunday until 00:00 GMT

KUWAIT -- The State of Kuwait stressed its commitment to continue aid and humanitarian assistance to the people of Palestine, and praised UNRWA's vital role to serve and help the Palestinians.

BEIRUT -- The Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (Arab IPU) welcomed the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) decision, which orders the Israeli occupation entity to cease its military operations in the Palestinian city of Rafah, in response to Arab, regional, and international demands.

RAMALLAH -- The Palestinian presidency said that the Israeli occupation army's deliberate targeting of displaced Palestinians in refugee camps in Rafah city is a massacre that has exceeded all limits and requires urgent intervention and an immediate halt to these crimes which keeps targeting all Palestinians.

ALGIERS -- The Arab Parliament convened for talks to discuss the latest events around the region, with Palestinian developments taking precedence over the rest of the matters on the agenda.

CAIRO -- The Arab League affirmed its full support for the political leadership in the United Republic of the Comoros, headed by its President Azali Assoumani, who was inaugurated, for a third term after winning the presidential elections last January. (end) mb