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Saudi Arabia appoints new envoy to Syria - state news agency

Dr. Faisal Al-Mujfel.
Dr. Faisal Al-Mujfel.
RIYADH, May 26 (KUNA) -- Saudi Arabia on Sunday named Dr. Faisal Al-Mujfel as the Gulf Arab kingdom's ambassador to Syria, a year after the resumption of bilateral diplomatic relations, state-run SPA news agency reported.
Thanking Riyadh's political leaders for the trust instilled in him as he assumes the new role, Al-Mujfel, the first Saudi ambassador to Damascus in more than a decade, vowed to work diligently with the aim of propelling bilateral ties to greater levels.
Last year, Saudi Arabia and Syria resumed the works of diplomatic missions in both countries after a halt that lasted more than a decade, saying the move reflected a mutual desire to bolster pan-Arab cooperation, subsequently keeping intact regional security and stability. (end) kns.nam