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Winter Games Club: World ice hockey teams raised to six

Kuwaiti delegation attends International Ice Hockey Federation meeting
Kuwaiti delegation attends International Ice Hockey Federation meeting
KUWAIT May 25 (KUNA)-- Head of the Kuwait Winter Games Club Fuhaid Al-Ajmi said Saturday that International Ice Hockey Federation raised the number of the world championship's four-level teams to six, with Kuwait partaking.
Al-Ajmi, in a statement to KUNA, revealed that the new fourth-level teams in the Ice Hockey World Championship now include the national teams of Iran, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Armenia, in addition to the Kuwaiti national team.
This decision was made during the Federation's General Assembly meeting, currently underway in the Czech capital, Prague, with active participation from Kuwait, he said.
Al-Ajmi added that the rise of participating teams would contribute to upgrading the level of competition and enhancing the ability of competitors.
Al-Ajmiآ stated that the club is keen to participate in the meetings of international, regional, and continental federations for all its five winter games, which it supervises as an active member of these federations, and to confirm Kuwait's role in international organizations.
The Winter Olympic Games, supervised by the club include, apart from ice hockey, Figure Games, Curling, Ice Skating, and Ice Speed. (end) fsa.ara