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Jordan, Oman stress centrality of Palestine's cause

AMMAN, May 23 (KUNA) -- Jordan and the Sultanate of Oman affirmed Thursday the centrality of Palestine's issue and the need of reaching a fair solution to end the Israeli occupation and meet legitimate rights of Palestinians.
A joint statement issued by the two countries following a state visit by Oman's Sultan Haitham bin Tareq to Jordan welcomed the decisions by Norway, Ireland and Spain of recognizing Palestine's state.
It is a key step to confirm that the peace path can be through a two-state solution, which embodies a sovereign and independent Palestinian state on June 4 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, in line with relevant international legitimacy resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, it said.
This is the only way for just, comprehensive and permanent peace in the region, it stressed.
Additionally, the statement underlined the necessity for the international community to assume its responsibilities to stop the war against the besieged Gaza Strip, take a resolution by the UN Security Council for an immediate ceasefire, protect civilians, ensure humanitarian aid delivery and prevent escalation.
It stressed the necessity of providing required support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to help it play its pivotal role.
They two sides expressed their rejection of all attempts to expand the war regionally, and condemned the ground attack on Rafah City and warned its repercussions, according to the statement.
They also reject attempts aiming to separate Gaza from the West Bank, including the occupied East Jerusalem, as they are an extension of Palestine's state, and the displacement of Palestinians from their territories, it noted.
The statement warned against continued dangerous measures of the Israeli occupation in the West Bank and the occupied Jerusalem, and the attacks of terrorist settlers against Palestinians and humanitarian aid convoys.
Furthermore, the two sides called for keeping the current legal and historical position of Christian and Islamic sanctities in Jerusalem, it pointed out.
Sultan Haitham voiced his appreciation to the efforts by King Abdullah II of Jordan for Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem and preserving its historical identity. (end) mna.hm