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France's Macron rules out surrender amid New Caledonia violence

PARIS, May 23 (KUNA) -- French President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday that heavy police presence in New Caledonia will remain intact until calm is restored there, underlining that surrender was not an option.
"In the coming hours and days, massive new operations will be scheduled where necessary, and republican order in its entirety will be re-established because there is no other choice," Macron told a press conference during a visit to the Pacific island of New Caledonia.
Describing the violence as an "unprecedented insurrection," Macron said that an additional 3,000 security personnel would be deployed to the island, where large swathes of the area lie in ruin after more than a week of protests.
French lawmakers approved a bill extending voting rights in provincial elections to residents arriving from mainland France, a change detractor believe could marginalize indigenous people and benefit pro-France politicians. (end) ma.nam