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Russia, Bahrain leaders discuss ties, int'l developments

MOSCOW, May 23 (KUNA) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin and Bahrain's King Hamad bin Issa Al-Khalifa held an extended meeting Thursday discussing ways to enhance relations and recent international developments.
A media statement by the Kremlin indicated that the meeting discussed ways to boost ties within the commercial, economic, humanitarian, and energy domains, and that agreements are expected to be signed following the meeting.
On his part, President Putin praised 35 years of relations linking the two countries, saying that both were eager to expend them in the future.
He also affirmed that Russia and Bahrain shared joint visions and opinions regards issues of regional and international importance.
Meanwhile, King Hamad commended Russia for its role in maintaining security and peace globally as well as Moscow's support of development worldwide.
He said that his discussions with President Putin also touched on the results of the recent 33rd Arab Summit in Manama.
During his visit to Russia, King Hamad met with Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov, and other officials.
King Hamad arrived in Moscow Wednesday on an official tour, and is expected to travel on to China. (end) dan.gta