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Bahraini King stresses Final and just peace as only option

MANAMA, May 16 (KUNA) -- Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa affirmed the importance of final and just peace as the only option for humanity to prevail in the battle for peace.
This came during his speech as chairman of the 33rd regular session of the Council of the League of Arab States at the summit level, held in Manama.
The Bahraini King welcomed all Arab leaders saying, "We renew with you determination and joint hope for a promising future for our Arab nation, in which we hope for goodness and prosperity for its peoples and the peoples all over the world." "Our summit today is in the midst of complex regional and international circumstances of devastating wars, painful human tragedies, and threats that affect our nation's identity, security, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity," said the Bahraini King.
"As the risks surrounding our Arab national security continue, the amount of responsibility placed on us to protect our common Arab path is increasing, in order to open a new page of stability and development that brings us closer to our legitimate aspirations as a civilized force capable of understanding the requirements of the era and keeping pace with its progress," he said.
"In light of the denial of the Palestinian People's legitimate rights to security, freedom and self-determination, our need for a joint and urgent Arab and international position that adopts dialogue as its path and collective solidarity to stop the bleeding of wars, is increasing," he stressed.
"As we gather here today for the sake of Palestine, we affirm that the interest of its people is based on their unity as a desired goal. Without a doubt, the establishment of an independent Palestinian state will bring goodness to the entire Arab neighborhood in order to overcome its crises and to join hands for the sake of progressive development construction in support of our Palestinian brothers," he said.
"From this standpoint, the Kingdom of Bahrain is providing a number of initiatives to contribute to serving essential issues that are essential to the stability and development of the region. The first of which, is the call for an international conference for peace in the Middle East, in addition to supporting the full recognition of the State of Palestine and acceptance of its membership in the United Nations.
Also, to come up with a special proposal to provide educational and health services to those affected by conflicts in the region, and an initiative concerned with developing Arab cooperation in the field of financial technology and digital transformation. We look forward to achieving all of this through joint Arab action channels and international partnerships," he added.
He expressed his proudness to receive chairmanship of the Summit after the Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, and expressed appreciation for his effort in the 32nd summit with the support of the Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammad bin Salman Abdulaziz Al-Saud.
Representative of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah headed the Kuwaiti delegation participating in the summit. (pickup previous) kna.nsa.bb