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Kuwait Investments Conf. kicks off in London

Kuwait Investments Conf. kicks off in London
Kuwait Investments Conf. kicks off in London
LONDON, March 5 (KUNA) -- Kuwaiti Investment conference launched in London on Tuesday, as part of celebrations of 125 years of bilateral diplomatic relations and 70th anniversary of Kuwait Investments Office in London inauguration.
Attending the conference are Kuwaiti Minister of Finance, State Minister for Economic and Investment Affairs, Dr. Anwar Al-Mudhaf, and Assistant Foreign Minister Ambassador Sadeq Maarafi, Kuwaiti Ambassador to Britain Bader Al-Awadhi.
From the British side, State Minister for Middle East and North Africa, Lord Tariq Ahmad, State Minister for Business and Trade Dominic Johnson and British Ambassador to Kuwait Belinda Lewis.
It is set to handle three main axes, finance and investments bolstering bilateral relations, 125th year of Kuwaiti-British relations, as well as technological advancements and digital innovation.
The conference, overseen by Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority, comes at a time where relations are undergoing continuous improvements, namely with facilitations of travel permits.
On an economic level, total trade between March 2022 to March 2023 reached more than GBP 5.7 billion (USD 7.23 billion) a 118.3 surge.
UK exports to Kuwait witnessed a 33 percent increase within the past 12 months compared to same period of last year.
British Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden visited Kuwait last January, and accompanied His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah in inaugurating year of partnership on occasion of 125 years of diplomatic relations.
During his visit, Dowden affirmed depth of multifaceted relations saying that they extend beyond security and defense, to cybersecurity, investment, education and culture. (end) mrn.tma.aai