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Briefing of KUNA main news for Sunday until 00:00 GMT

RIYADH -- The foreign ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council member states reaffirmed that Al-Dorra oilfield is entirely located in Kuwait's territorial waters and the natural wealth in the adjacent submerged divided area between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia belongs solely to both countries.

KUWAIT -- Kuwait will extend its voluntary oil production cut of 135,000 barrels per day for the second quarter of 2024, said Deputy Prime Minister and Oil Minister Dr. Imad Al-Atiqi.

RIYADH -- The ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council agreed to establish a high-level coordination committee for sovereign funds in the GCC countries linked to the Ministerial Council.

RIYADH -- The Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Jasem Al-Budaiwi stressed on the importance of water security for Egypt and Sudan is an integral part of Arab national security and refused any actions that might affect their rights to Nile Water.

DOHA -- Kuwait (Sporting Cub) handball team qualified to play in the Gulf Handball Clubs Championship final in its 40th edition. (end) mb