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US debt up by USD 1 tln. in 100 days

WASHINGTON, March 1 (KUNA) -- The debt of the US federal government permanently crossed over to USD 34 trillion on January 4, after briefly crossing the mark on December 29, the fiscal data report of the Dept. of Treasury showed on Friday.
The debt reached USD 33 trillion on September 15, 2023, and USD 32 trillion on June 15, 2023, hitting this accelerated pace. Before that, the USD one trillion move higher from USD 31 trillion took about eight months.
US debt, which is the amount of money the federal government borrows to cover operating expenses, now stands at nearly USD 34.4 billion, as of Wednesday.
The bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget advised the policymakers to be straight with the American public and "to come together on a plan to bring our debt under control." (end) rsr.gb