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US troops destroy 5 Houthi's drones in Red Sea

WASHINGTON, Feb 28 (KUNA) -- The US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced on Wednesday that the troops destroyed five drones belonging to the Houthi militia in the Red Sea.
CENTCOM stated in a tweet on their X account: "On Feb. 27, between the hours of 9:50p.m., and 10:55 p.m. (Sana'a time), U.S. aircraft and a coalition warship shot down five Iranian-backed Houthi one-way attack (OWA) unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in the Red Sea".
The statement added, "CENTCOM forces identified these UAVs originating from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and determined they presented an imminent threat to merchant vessels and to the U.S. Navy and coalition ships in the region" "These actions will protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for U.S. Navy and merchant vessels," CENTCOM clarified.
The US condemned in a statement the continuations of Houthi militia's strikes against merchant vessels especially the ones that carries the humanitarian aid for Yemen.
The US announced last January that they re-included Houthi militia on terrorism regulations because of their attacks against merchant vessels in the red sea, Gulf of Aden and Forces that are concentrated in the area, however they will reassess this classification if the Houthi militia stopped their attacks. (end) amm.zhm