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Briefing of KUNA main news for Tuesday until 12:00 GMT

Briefing of KUNA main news for Tuesday until 12:00 GMT

KUWAIT -- Youth Public Authority, in partnership with the Kuwaiti Diving team, announced a campaign aiding the municipality in the cleaning up process after celebrations and marches, in honor of Kuwait's National Day and Liberation Anniversary.

KUWAIT -- Some 136 people were ambulanced over the last three days during the national celebrations, including 17 taken to the hospital and 119 cases treated at the clinics, the Ministry of health (MoH) said.

WASHINGTON -- US President Joe Biden expressed hope for reaching a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip by next Monday amid ongoing Israeli occupation military operations against Palestinians since October seventh.

RAMALLAH -- Three Palestinians were killed by the Israeli occupation forces in Tubas city, northeastern West Bank. (end) mt