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UN affirms support for Palestinian people in facing challenges

NEW YORK, Feb 27 (KUNA) -- The United Nations has affirmed its support for the efforts of the Palestinian people in facing their challenges after Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh announced the resignation of his government.
With the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the growing tensions in the West Bank, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh announced that his administration was resigning.
In a press conference on Monday evening, UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric stated that steps were prepared to keep assisting efforts to overcome the humanitarian, political, financial, and security obstacles that the Palestinian people face.
"A strengthened Palestinian government that can administer the whole of the occupied Palestinian territory is critical as part of a path to achieving the establishment of a fully independent, democratic, contiguous, sovereign and viable Palestinian state, on the basis of the 1967 lines, of which Gaza is an integral part, which remains the only way to achieve a lasting peace," said the spokesman.
"This remains the only way to achieve lasting peace," the spokesman said, with Gaza as an integral part of a Palestinian state.
Dujarric stated that achieving lasting peace is the only way to do so, considering Gaza as a crucial part of a Palestinian state. (end) ast.mtm