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Yemen PM: Kuwait, a strategic and historical ally of Yemen

Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Yemen Dr. Ahmad Awad
Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Yemen Dr. Ahmad Awad
By Sami Neman ADEN, Feb 25 (KUNA) -- Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Yemen Dr. Ahmad Awad bin Mubarak said on Sunday that Kuwait is considered to be a historically strategic ally and supporter of the Yemeni people in different fields since the 1960's.
In a statement to KUNA, bin Mubarak noted that on the occasion of Kuwait's 63rd National Day and 33rd Liberation Day, Kuwait will continue to be recognized and appreciated by Yemeni generations.
Bin Mubarak gave his sincere congratulations to His Highness Kuwait's Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the government, people, and to his Kuwaiti counterpart Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah on occasion of the 63rd National Day and 33rd Liberation Day and wished Kuwait more progress and prosperity under the visionary leadership of His Highness the Amir.
He added that Kuwait has supported the Yemeni people for decades and helped support its progress and stability through major development projects that represent its strong bond and commitment to Yemen, leading up to the Yemeni reconciliation and the end of the wars between the two parts of Yemen at the end of the 1970s.
He pointed out that Kuwait had restored that faith for the Yemeni people in the 2016 negotiations but the Houthi militia's intransigence foiled the conciliation talks.
He noted Kuwait's support for dozens of humanitarian projects and its contribution to funding UN humanitarian aid plans in Yemen annually.
Bin Mubarak added that there are plenty of development projects by Kuwait either through the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) or through its leading humanitarian and relief organizations like the Kuwaiti Red Crescent and Kuwait Society for Relief and their partners in development and charitable associations continue to support Yemen in various fields.
Bin Mubarak drew attention to Kuwait's political support for the legitimacy of Yemen since the war erupted by the Houthi terrorist militia following its takeover against legitimate power in late 2014, especially when it held a seat on the Security Council for two years during which it supported the Yemeni cause profusely. (end) sns.fk