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Trump wins Republican primary in South Carolina

WASHINGTON, Feb 25 (KUNA) -- Former United States President Donald Trump won, Saturday, the 2024 South Carolina Republican primary, according to US media.
This win against Nikki Haley marked Trumps continuous victories in every state Republican primary to date. US media added that Trump gained 60 percent of the vote, whereas Haley, the former United Nations ambassador and former South Carolina governor, received a mere 40 percent in her home state. Trump described his win in South Carolina as "an even bigger win than we anticipated," adding, "I have never seen the Republican Party so unified as it is right now," during his victory speech Saturday night. Meanwhile, Haley congratulated Trump on his victory, but told supporters she will remain in the race despite the loss.
The former president is looking to be the probable Republican nominee for the November 2024 US President Elections. The current primaries are taking part between US political parties, where each party votes for their favored Presidential nominee to represent them in the 2024 elections.
Trump and current President Joe Biden are expected to go head-to-head during November elections, if all goes well for Trump. (end) asj.za