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Info min. reaffirms Kuwait's principled stance on support to Palestine

ISTANBUL, Feb 24 (KUNA) -- Minister of Information and Culture Abdul-Rahman Al-Mutairi reaffirmed that the principled, long-standing stance of the State of Kuwait under the leadership of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on support to all Islamic issues at the core of which is the Palestine cause.
"The Kuwaiti leadership, government and people will continue firm support to the Palestine question the political, media and humanitarian at all regional and international levels until the Palestinian people regain their full legitimate rights, notably the right to establish an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital pursuant to the relevant UN Security Council resolutions," Al-Mutairi pledged.
The minister made the comments in a speech to the Extraordinary Session of Islamic Conference of Information Ministers of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
The event, themed "The Israeli Occupying Authority's Disinformation and Hostilities against Journalists and Media Outlets in the Occupied Palestinian Territory" was hosted in Istanbul on Saturday.
"The people of Kuwait have a natural instinct to offer a helping hand to any people in need around the globe, whether in near or far countries, particularly the Muslim countries, and this is a source pride to us," the minister noted. "The wise leadership and the sons of Kuwait believe that a nation cannot live alone remote from friends or without cooperation and interaction with surrounding nations and incidents.
"This is why Kuwait has made dedicated efforts to contribute to the humanitarian relief for the Palestinian brothers, notably those besieged in Gaza Strip due to the ongoing aggression by the Israeli occupation forces," he said.
"At sovereign instructions, Kuwait has flown aid flights to rescue the Palestinian brothers in Gaza and provide them with basis assistance," he went on.
On the media level, Al-Mutairi said the extensive coverage by radio and TV station or social networking websites of the anguish of "the brothers in Gaza" and the occupied territories signals Kuwait's interaction with the Arab and Muslim spheres under the country's wise leadership.
On his part, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan highlighted the need of countering the Israeli disinformation campaign aiming to cover up on the atrocities in Gaza. In a video message to the conference, Erdogan said the Israeli occupation forces killed more than 100 media people in an attempt to silence the free media outlets.
The brutalities being committed in Gaza claimed nearly 30,000 people besides more than 70,000 injuries, he regretted.

 The one-day conference adopted a final communique affirming commitment to the OIC Charter, and strong religious, human and historical bonds.
Following is the text of the document; "We, the Information Ministers -- participating in the Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Conference --, "Reaffirming all resolutions of the OIC regarding the Palestine Question in particular the joint Arab and Islamic Extraordinary Summit on the Israeli Aggression against the Palestinian people, held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on 11 November 2023, "Recalling all resolutions of the United Nations and other international organizations regarding the Palestine Question, which affirm the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, freedom, and national independence, "Welcoming the United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. A/ES-10/L.27 titled "Protection of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations" adopted by the 10th Emergency Special Session on 10 December 2023, "Reaffirming our determination to amplify our voices in every platform to support the inalienable rights of the brotherly Palestinian people in the face of Israel's barbaric oppression and attacks, and to enhance our efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people in the Palestinian territory, especially in Gaza Strip, "Welcoming the provisional measures ordered by the ICJ against Israel, the occupying power, to refrain from genocidal acts and other violations of the Genocide convention, issued on 26 January 2024.
"Supporting the Palestinian people's legitimate struggle to liberate their occupied territory and to fulfill all their inalienable rights, especially their right to self-determination and to live in their independent state, with full sovereignty, along the borders of June 4, 1967, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital,-- "Being concerned that Israel, the occupying power, is seeking to conceal and belie the truth about the unfolding atrocities in the Gaza Strip, including murdering babies, children, women, the elderly journalists, healthcare workers, academics, and humanitarian workers through including by systematic disinformation campaigns,-- "Holding Israel, the occupying power, responsible for the killings, arrest and censorship of journalists as well as the murder and targeting their family members, Recalling that Israel's intentional attacks on journalists have killed over 120, with numerous others sustaining injuries or disappeared, "Condemn the ongoing military aggression launched by Israel, the occupying Power, against the Palestinian people as well as its systematic oppression, massacre, and genocide of Palestinians civilians in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, and in the occupied West Bank including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and call for an unconditional cease-fire to prevent further loss of life, "Condemn the Israeli occupation's systematic misinformation campaigns and spreading of false and misleading information and fake news to cover its brutality and genocidal massacres committed in the Gaza Strip, "Condemn the Israeli occupation's deliberate and systematic targeting of Palestinian journalists, and stress that this is part of a campaign to silence the voices of truthtellers.
"Reiterate that the only path for peace and security is through the realization of the Palestinian people's inalienable rights, including in particular, national independence and sovereignty of the State of Palestine with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, "Call upon all countries to recognize the sovereign independent State of Palestine based on the borders of 1967 with East Al-Quds as its capital, being a prerequisite for the peaceful resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and buttress peace and security in the region, "Emphasize our collective determination to counter and expose attempts by the Israeli colonial occupation to cover up the destruction in the field by intimidating journalists to minimize the international reaction, and to ensure that their efforts to cover up the war crimes and genocide committed in the Gaza Strip fails, "Condemn that Israeli occupation forces are unwilling to take even the most basic steps to ensure the safety of journalists according to the IHL and other international instruments that guarantee and protects journalists' rights, "Emphasize that the international community has the right to know what is happening in the Palestinian territory in particular in Gaza Strip and underline the need for the international community to act immediately to hold Israel, the occupying power, accountable for violating international law for targeting journalists and to take immediate steps to protect all journalists assigned in the region, "Condemn Israel, the occupying power, for targeting the telecommunication system and maintenance staff in the Gaza Strip, "Call on all international news organizations and media outlets to expose the Israeli occupation's human rights violations and campaigns against journalists.-- "Mandate the OIC General Secretariat's Media Monitoring Unit to devise a media action plan, in cooperation with OIC media institutions and interested national news agencies of member states, with a view to lay bare and counter the Israeli occupation's disinformation, misinformation, false news and war crimes, at international fora.
"Provide support for the OIC media Monitoring Unit to organize a media workshop to accomplish its mission as stipulated by the joint Arab and Islamic Summit held in Riyadh on 11 November 2023.
"Support the efforts of the OIC media Monitoring Unit to combat the Israeli occupation's disinformation, misinformation, false news and war crimes, through digital communications platforms such as social media and artificial intelligence tools.-- "Call on the international community to open an immediate investigation leading to holding the Israeli occupation authorities accountable for the crimes they commit against media professionals in the occupied Palestinian territory.
"Express gratitude and appreciation to the Republic of Tأ¼rkiye for its generous hospitality and warm welcome, and for the excellent arrangements made for the Extraordinary Session.
"Mandate the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to follow-up on the implementation of this Communique and submit a report thereon to the next Council of Foreign Ministers." (end) ta.rg.gb