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KRCS distributes 15,000 medical, food packages in Gaza

Kuwait Red Crescent Society distributes medical and food supplies to displaced families in Gaza Strip
Kuwait Red Crescent Society distributes medical and food supplies to displaced families in Gaza Strip
GAZA, Feb 21 (KUNA) -- Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) launched on Wednesday a campaign to distribute 15,000 medical and food supply packages to displaced families in Gaza.
Director of the Palestinian Aid Delivering Committee Dr. Ibrahim Al-Farra told KUNA that the campaign aims to alleviate the suffering of thousands in shelters and camps in southern Gaza.
Al-Farra said the food supply would last up to 10 days, noting that medical crews working in the Palestinian health ministry will also receive packages.
Palestinian health authorities expressed appreciation to Kuwait's leadership, government and people for constantly sending aid and relief since the October 7 war on Gaza. (end) wab.ahm