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MoH holds exhibition celebrating nat'l days

KUWAIT, Feb 21 (KUNA) -- The Health Ministry celebrated national days in attendance of Minister Dr. Ahmad Al-Awadhi on Wednesday.
Around 1,000 participants, along with some 58 government bodies took part in the accompanying exhibition.
Media and public relations director at the Ministry Dr. Mohammad Al-Azmi said the ministry is poised and ready for the upcoming national celebrations' season.
The exhibition came to reinforce the sense of patriotism and solidarity, as well as recalling the role of the ancestors, he noted.
Meanwhile, Brigadier Dr. Nawaf Jandoul from the Ministry of Defense spoke highly of the level of coordination and exchanged support between the two ministries.
On his part, Interior ministry's Brigadier Nawaf Al-Hayan underlined that guaranteeing safety and smooth sailing of the celebrations is the ministry's main objective.
In this regard, Kuwait Fire Force Captain Ahmad Bushehri said preparations for upcoming celebrations would not be exclusive to safety, but also to raising awareness on avoiding hazardous situations. (end) mrv.aai