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Kuwait Amb. submits credentials to Venezuelan Pres.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro with Kuwaiti ambassador Fadhel Al-Hassan and other embassy officials
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro with Kuwaiti ambassador Fadhel Al-Hassan and other embassy officials
KUWAIT, Feb 21 (KUNA) -- Kuwait's Ambassador in Caracas Fadhel Al-Hassan presented his credentials on Wednesday to the President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro.
In a statement to KUNA, Kuwait's Embassy said that Al-Hassan conveyed greetings of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Al-Yahya to the President of Venezuela and his people.
The statement added that during the meeting both sides discussed ways to strengthen their bilateral relations in various fields of common interest, noting that the two countries are preparing to celebrate 60 years of diplomatic relations in 2025.
It also added that President Maduro conveyed his heartfelt greetings to His Highness the Amir, remembering with pride his official visit to the state of Kuwait in June 2022.
He also welcomed Kuwaiti investors to seek investments in Venezuela, vowing to facilitate all procedures for them. (end) sa