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Kuwait FM meets Ban Ki-moon Centre's chief in Munich

Kuwait FM meets Ban Ki-moon Centre's chief in Munich
Kuwait FM meets Ban Ki-moon Centre's chief in Munich
MUNICH, Germany, Feb 17 (KUNA) -- Kuwaiti Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Al-Yahya met with Chairman of Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens Ban Ki-moon on the sidelines of the 60th edition of Munich Security Conference, held in Munich in Germany from February 16-18.
During the meeting, held on Friday, they discussed major regional and international issues put on the conference's agenda, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release on Saturday.
They also touched upon the center's significant role in supporting global sustainable development and peace , protecting citizens across the world, ensuring gender equality, defending the rights of women, children and youth, and integrating women and youth into society. (end) mt