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Bahrain chief lawmaker hails "exemplary" ties with Kuwait

Manama's top lawmaker Ahmed Al-Musallam
Manama's top lawmaker Ahmed Al-Musallam
MANAMA, Feb 12 (KUNA) -- Bahrain and Kuwait share "exemplary" bilateral relations that are a testament to a mutual determination to propel these ties to greater levels, Manama's top lawmaker Ahmed Al-Musallam said on Monday.
Relations between the two Gulf Arab neighbors have seen major headway in recent years, he said in a statement, citing their "common viewpoints" on a number of regional and global matters.
A day ahead of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah's official state visit to Manama, the Bahraini chief lawmaker told the press that bilateral trade has grown immensely as part of broader progress in relations. (end) kna.nam