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Arab Parliament condemns terrorist acts in Somalia

CAIRO, Feb 11 (KUNA) -- The Arab Parliament speaker Adel Al-Asoomi condemned on Sunday the terrorist acts that targeted innocent lives in Somalia, reaffirming that these actions contradict what Islam and its laws stand for.
In a statement, Al-Asoomi expressed his sincere sympathy to the people of the UAE and Bahrain and their leaders over the martyrdom of three UAE Armed Force members, the injury of two others, and the martyrdom of an officer from the Bahrain Defense Force.
This came after a terrorist act in Somalia killed these officers while they were training Somali Armed Forces, Al-Asoomi offered his deepest condolences to the families of the martyrs and wished a speedy recovery to the injured.
The speaker also expressed his appreciation for the sacrifices made by the UAE Armed Forces and the Bahrain Defense Force for all that they have done to maintain international security and stability and combat terrorism.
The statement lastly stressed the Arab Parliament's support and full solidarity with the UAE and Bahrain in these painful times. (end) mfm.res