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FAO: Invasion of Desert Locust in Sudan threat Egypt, Gulf countries

GENEVA, Feb 6 (KUNA) -- FAO Deputy Representative in Sudan Adam Yao warned on Tuesday about the invasion of the Desert Locust in Sudan describing it as a threat also for Egypt and Gulf countries.
The UN representatives during an online press conference stated "The Desert Locust situation reached a threatening level" saying that the situation in the country has significantly worsened since mid-2023.
He explained that this deterioration can be attributed to the absence of surveillance and control operations in the Central and Western regions of Sudan resulting from the ongoing conflict as well as the internal breeding along the Red Sea coast.
He added that Locust Control Department (LCD) with the technical support provided by FAO has been undertaking substantial operations and managed to survey more than 113 500 hectares and control around 23 000 hectares of infested areas. Adding that the situation remains critical.
The UN representative added that unless sustained control operations are taken to control Desert Locust invasion significant agricultural losses are inevitable posing a grave threat to food security and livelihoods.
Yao announced that FAO in coordination with the Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator and OCHA is urgently working to secure immediate access to Wad Madani and facilitate the transportation of seed collections to a safer location. Confirming that these seeds are highly important for food security in the region and globally saying that the loss of these collections will not be just for Sudan but for the entire humanity.
Yao expressed concern about the food security situation calling the international community for an urgent intervention as 17.7 million people across the Sudan are facing high levels of acute food insecurity. (end) imk.aa