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Istanbul Airport ranked first in Europe with 1,301 daily flights

Istanbul Airport
Istanbul Airport
ISTANBUL, Jan 31 (KUNA) -- Istanbul Airport ranked first in the list of European airports with an average number of daily flights between January 15 and 21, with 1,301 flights per day.
According to the report of the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) Heathrow Airport in London ranked second with 1,164 daily flights and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol ranked third with 1,103 daily flights.
A previous report of the organization showed Istanbul Airport topped the list of European airports with an average number of daily flights in 2023, recording 1,375 flights daily.
According to data issued by the General Directorate of the State Airports Authority (DMHI) last December, over 70 million passengers passed through Istanbul International Airport during 11 months of 2023, more than 53 million traveled through external routes. (end) ta.dss