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UK police arrests six suspects accused of disrupting London Stock exchange

LONDON, Jan 14 (KUNA) -- British police said Sunday that six people were arrested on suspicion of a plot to disrupt the London Stock Exchange.
British Met Police said information suggested activists from the Palestine Action group were intending to target the exchange on Monday.
Police added it was believed those involved were planning to cause damage and "lock on" in an effort to stop the building opening for trading.
Arrests were made in London, Liverpool and Brighton on Sunday.
All six people are currently in custody.
Met said it was "mindful of the suggestion that this was one part of a planned week of action".
The British police said it was in contact with other forces, including City of London Police, to ensure any further disruption could be dealt with.
The Met said the arrests were prompted by information shared by the Daily Express. (end) mrn.mb