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Sorrow, sadness overwhelm Kuwait at passing of Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad

Sorrow, sadness overwhelm Kuwait at passing of Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad

By Mishal Al-Sarheed and Abdullah Badran

KUWAIT, Dec 16 (KUNA) -- Sorrow and sadness overwhelmed Kuwait at news of passing of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah at age of 86 after a long and illustrious career spanning decades and including monumental milestones, contributing to the development and progress of the country.
With his passing, Kuwait has lost one of its major figures added to the country's history and helped it overcome various challenges leading towards a more prosperous nation.
History will remember His Highness the Amir through the various posts he held prior to leading the country, and Kuwaitis are grateful for his wise and thoughtful leadership.
The Amiri Diwan on this grim occasion expressed its sorrow over the death of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, sharing this sentiment with both Arab and Muslim worlds.
His Highness the Amir ascended to power on September 29, 2020 following the death of the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah in accordance with the constitution, becoming the 16th Amir of the State of Kuwait.
The cabinet convened on that day and announced His Highness Sheikh Nawaf, then the Crown Prince, as the Amir of Kuwait in accordance with the constitution pertaining to the ascension of leadership in Kuwait.
His Highness Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad became the Amir after 58 years of holding numerous posts including Governor of Hawally, Interior Minister, Minister of Defense, Minister of Social Affairs and Labor, Deputy Chief of the Kuwait National Guard (KNG), and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior.
His Highness Sheikh Nawaf, prior to becoming the Amir, was named Crown Prince of Kuwait in 2006, holding the position for 14 years and contributing to the nation's decision-making process.
On September 30, 2020, Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad took the constitutional oath in front of the National Assembly in accordance to article 60 of the constitution.
His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad was born on June 25, 1937, the sixth son of the late Amir Sheikh Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the 10th ruler of Kuwait who ruled between 1921-1950.
Since the Independence of Kuwait, Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad held several positions starting on February 12, 1962 when then Amir, the late Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, assigned him as Governor of Hawally. He continued in this position until March 19, 1978. In the same year, Sheikh Nawaf was assigned as Interior Minister in the era of the late Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, continuing in the post until January 26th, 1988 when he was appointed as Minister of Defense.
After the liberation of Kuwait from the Iraqi invasion in 1991, His Highness Sheikh Nawaf was assigned as Minister of Social Affairs and Labor on April 20, 1990 and he continued in this post until October 17th, 1992.
On October 16, 1994, His Highness Sheikh Nawaf was appointed as Deputy Chief of the Kuwait National Guard (KNG) until July 13, 2003, when he took the responsibility as Minister of Interior and then on October 16th of the same year he became First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and remained as such until becoming Crown Prince in 2006.
In the last three years, Kuwait had witnessed a quantum leap in its development plans due to the instructions and guidance of His Highness Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad, efforts recognized by countries in the Arab, the region, and the world.
On numerous occasions, His Highness Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad stressed the national unity and solidarity to face any hardships and challenges that might face Kuwait and its people.
He also called on his people to cherish the country's democracy and traditions, saying that Kuwaitis would be strong and productive through their unity and sacrifice.
His Highness Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad was always keen on issues pertaining to Kuwait and its people, doing his utmost to ensure that Kuwaitis and residents alike were cared for and their concerns were heard by the executive, legislative and judicial authorities.
He called on state institutions to heed the aspirations of the Kuwaiti people, enabling and young and old to excel and achieve their dreams for the development and progress of Kuwait in all possible domains and spheres.
His Highness Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad was also keen on matters pertaining to the Arab world, chiefly amongst them was the struggle of the Palestinian people towards independence from their Israeli occupiers and oppressors.
On relations with the world, His Highness Sheikh Nawaf continued Kuwait's longstanding foreign policy of previous decades which stood on respecting international laws and regulations, bolstering world peace and security, and helping boost dialogue and understanding amongst all countries.
Despite his passing, His Highness Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad's achievements and contributions would remain etched in the history of both Kuwait and the world. (end) mms.abd.gta