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Kuwait highlights painful Palestinian reality at Geneva's Global Refugee Forum

Kuwait highlights painful Palestinian reality at Geneva's Global Refugee Forum
Kuwait highlights painful Palestinian reality at Geneva's Global Refugee Forum
GENEVA, Dec 14 (KUNA) -- Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Sabah highlighted the painful reality of the Palestinian people, speaking of the forced eviction and systemized violence, and urging the international community for immediate intervention to arrive at a ceasefire and allow for the delivery of aid.
Sheikh Salem spoke at the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva, sponsored by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), affirming Kuwait's support to all efforts and endeavors helping refugees and displaced people.
The Minister, in recognition of the immensity of the risks and challenges faced by refugees, called for putting forth active and sustainable mechanisms to address current and emerging situations.
The state of Kuwait is quite proud of the strategic and exemplary relationship tying it with UNHCR, as it is also proud of its status as one of the largest donating countries, he mentioned.
Sheikh Salem also addressed the ongoing unprecedented conditions conflicts and natural catastrophes saying this requires international will and partnership.
Furthermore, the Kuwaiti Minister took note of the recent and worrisome UNHCR reports stating that number of refugees and displaced people around the globe had reached 117 million people.
The top diplomat renewed Kuwait's firm unwavering stance by the Palestinian people in their struggle towards attaining full legitimate rights of an independent state.
He also addressed the United Nations' Security Council failure to adopt a resolution calling for a ceasefire, as well as its failure to heed to UN Secretary General warnings of the total collapse of international peace and security.
In spite of this, Sheikh Salem expressed his hope that political and diplomatic efforts could culminate in improving humanitarian situation of Palestinians, and urged the UNSC to mobilize its capabilities towards the protection of civilians.
The Foreign Minister underscored political negotiations and preventative diplomacy as an imperative mechanism to addressing root cause of regional conflicts.
He also called for pressuring parties involved in conflicts to take responsibility, adhere to stipulations of UN and international law, saying that evading retribution is not a viable option in armed conflicts.
Sheikh Salem took the opportunity to hail role of UNHCR in bettering the lives of refugees especially relating to educational and healthcare pursuits, reaffirming Kuwait's full support to active international partnership. (end) aai