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UN marks 20th anniv. of Int'l Anti-Corruption Day

VIENNA, Dec 9 (KUNA) -- Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Ghada Waly said on Saturday that two decades ago, the international community made history by adopting the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).
In a video message for the International Anti-Corruption Day, which falls on December 9, she said: "As we commemorate its 20th anniversary, the Convention embodies the vision of a world where integrity prevails." "By leveraging the UNCAC, we prevent resources from being siphoned away from public services and crisis response. We recover stolen assets and disrupt illicit financial flows. We cut off revenue streams for organized criminal groups and terrorist organizations," she added.
"And we uphold the rule of law and promote public trust, strengthening the foundation for peace and security, human rights, and our efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals," she noted.
Waly went on to say that through the Convention, the international community has taken major strides against corruption, establishing strong legal frameworks, reforming institutions, and bolstering international cooperation.
As the guardian of the UNCAC, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime has proudly supported parties in honouring their commitments, and helped more countries accede, she said.
She stressed that today, the UNCAC is near-universal with 190 parties, a remarkable milestone that speaks to a shared global commitment, adding that it is necessary to build on this milestone going forward.
The UNODC chief called for stepping up our efforts to end impunity and face emerging corruption risks, from the corruption enabling the destruction of our planet to the use of new technology for money-laundering, and beyond.
Waly also called for empowering anti-corruption champions, especially among youth and women, and boosting partnerships with civil society, academia, and the private sector.
"This International Anti-Corruption Day let's reaffirm our commitment to the UNCAC for a world truly united against corruption," she concluded. (end) amg.mt