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Briefing of KUNA main news for Wednesday until 00:00 GMT

Briefing of KUNA main news for Wednesday until 00:00 GMT

KUWAIT -- Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah issues a decree to suspend public servants' appointment, promotion and secondment for three months.

KUWAIT -- Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Oil affirms Kuwait's support to moves of OPEC+ alliance to cut the glut in oil supply.

RIYADH -- Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman receives Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss the bilateral relations and prospects of cooperation.

NEW YORK -- UN Secretary General invokes a rarely used article of the UN Charter to end the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

WASHINGTON -- Leaders of G7 affirm the equal right of Israelis and Palestinians to live in safety, dignity and peace.

LONDON -- UK Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick steps down amid controversy over a bill to send illegal migrants back to Rwanda. (end) gb