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Voting in Egyptian presidential election for citizens abroad ends

CAIRO, Dec 4 (KUNA) -- Voting by Egyptians abroad for electing a president ended on Monday, the national electoral commission declared.
The first phase of voting that lasted for three days concluded at Egyptian missions' buildings abroad and the ballots were counted, verified and transferred to the electoral commission via the foreign ministry, it said.
The counted votes of the Egyptians abroad would be added to the ballots of the citizens who would head to the polls to elect a new president next week, the commission said, affirming that the voting outside Egypt was conducted at 137 centers in 121 states.
Voting in Egypt is due on December 10-14.
The race to the top post involves the incumbent president Abdelfattah Al-Sisi, leader of the Democratic Party Farid Zahran, chief of Al-Wafd Party Abdelsanad Yamama and head of the Republic People's Party Hazem Omar. (end) mm.rk