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Briefing of KUNA main news for Friday until 12:00 GMT

KUWAIT -- United Arab Emirates Ambassador to the State of Kuwait Matar Al-Nayadi lauds the historic, deep-rooted brotherly relations with Kuwait and shed light on his country's achievements at diverse levels.

GAZA -- The renewed Israeli aggression on the already war-ravaged Gaza Strip takes lives of at least 32 Gazans joining more than 14,000 martyrs who had fallen in the attacks that preceded "the pause" of fighting.

CAIRO -- Egyptian embassies abroad begin receiving citizens for early casting of ballots in the 2024 presidential elections.

KUWAIT -- Kuwait oil price rises by USD 2.39 to settle at USD 87.32 per barrel on Thursday against USD 84.93 pb, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation says.

TOKYO -- Japan and South Korea expand their sanctions on North Korea following Pyongyang's launch of a spy satellite using ballistic missile technology last week. (end) mt