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EU: Polycrisis has affected Europeans' mental health

BRUSSELS, Nov 30 (KUNA) -- Almost one in two Europeans has experienced an emotional or psychosocial problem in the last year due to the compounded crises of COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis, unemployment, and the food and energy price increases, according to EU health ministers who met in Brussels Thursday.
"As you know, we live in a time of polycrisis that has severely hit the mental health of Europeans. The COVID-19 pandemic, the consequences of Russia's aggression against Ukraine or the climate crisis itself are just some of the shocks which have exacerbated already poor levels of mental health," said Monica Gomez, Spanish Minister for Health ; whose country holds the current EU Presidency.
In their conclusions, the health ministers highlight the importance of addressing mental health and well-being in a different context in the life course, which benefits both individuals and societies.
It recognises the beneficial role of communities, schools, sports and culture in strengthening mental health and life-long mental well-being. (end) nk.hb