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(Palestine.. Land and People) Expo recounts history of suffering of Palestinians

Visitors of the exhibition learning and understanding about the Palestinian people and their struggle
Visitors of the exhibition learning and understanding about the Palestinian people and their struggle

(Photo feature by: Abdullah Al-Enezi)

NEW YORK, Nov 30 (KUNA) -- The United Nations headquarters held a photography exhibition titled "Palestine: A Land with a People" that showed the history of Palestine and commemorated the Nakba as part of International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, on Wednesday night. The tragic events of the Nakba where more than half the Palestinian nation was displaced and forced out of their their homes in 1948 and its aftermath were depicted in photographs, videos, and art pieces.
The exhibit came as a reminder of the six million Palestinians that remain refugees across the region until this day and the massacre of thousands of them in October during Israel's recent war on Gaza, which Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, described as "catastrophic". (end) ast.fk