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Kuwait National Assembly speaker congratulates Saudi counterpart on World Expo '30 bid

KUWAIT, Nov 29 (KUNA) - Kuwait National Assembly speaker Ahmad Al-Sadoun sent Wednesday a congratulatory cable to the Chairman of the Shura Council of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah Al-Sheikh, in which he expressed his sincere congratulations on Riyadh's successful bid to host the World Expo 2030.
Al-Sadoun praised this international achievement, which added to the procession of achievements in Saudi Arabia under the rule of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud and with the support of the Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammad bin Salman Al-Saud.
Al-Sadoun expressed his pride in Riyadh's win in hosting this major global event, which reflects the Kingdom's international standing.
In the cable, Al-Sadoun wished success and continued progress and prosperity to the Kingdom and the Saudi people.
Yesterday, the International Bureau of Exhibitions announced that the Kingdom had won the bid to host Expo 2030 after obtaining 119 votes from member states. In addition to Riyadh, Busan in South Korea and Rome in Italy competed to host the event. (end) aa.fla.dss