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EU calls for rapid implementation of UNSC resolution on Gaza

BRUSSELS, Nov 21 (KUNA) -- The recent UN Security Council resolution calling for immediate humanitarian pauses is a big step forward, "but we must ensure its rapid implementation, "EU High Representative Josep Borrell has stressed.
After the informal extraordinary meeting of EU Foreign Ministers Monday night, Borrell said he debriefed ministers about the outcomes of his high-level meetings in "Israel," Palestine, Bahrain, Qatar and Jordan.
"There are two main takeaways from my visit to the region, a sense of absolute urgency, particularly due to the dramatic humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and secondly a shared desire to work towards a lasting peace in the region," he said.
The humanitarian situation of the civilian population in Gaza is dramatic. Another concern is the fast-deteriorating situation in the West Bank and the risk of further escalation there, said the EU foreign policy chief.
"But, in light of increased extremists and settlers' violence against Palestinians there is a real risk that the situation could escalate. Then there is a regional dimension: On the side of the neighboring countries, the desire to avoid an escalation of the conflict is strong," he said. Borrell said that reports of a ship hijacked by the Houthis are another worrying signal of a risk of the regional spill over. Diplomacy and engagement remain the best way to avoid uncontrollable escalation, he indicated.
"A fundamental political conclusion I draw from my engagement in the region - and I shared with EU Foreign Ministers tonight - is this: I think that the best guarantee for Israel's security is the creation of a Palestinian state," he added.
Ahead of the next EU foreign Ministers meeting in December, Borrell said he will ask the EEAS, the EU's diplomatic service, to put forward an option paper regarding the future of Gaza. (end) nk.aa