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Briefing of KUNA main news for Monday until 00:00 GMT

Briefing of KUNA main news for Monday until 00:00 GMT

KUWAIT -- The fifth planeload of relief aid for the hurricane-struck Libya leaves Kuwait, carrying 10 tons of medical and food supplies.

NEW YORK -- Kuwait's Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah briefs US Secretary of State and GCC foreign ministers on controversial verdict by Iraqi court.

NEW YORK -- World leaders adopt a political declaration, affirming that elimination poverty is "the greatest international challenge." 3109763 DOHA - Five Americans detainees, freed in Iran, arrive in Doha en route to homeland under a prisoner swap deal between Washington and Tehran.

WASHINGTON -- A US F-35 fighter jet crashes near Charleston, South Carolina, and pilot manages to eject safely.

BRUSSELS -- The European Union stresses the need of funding for UN aid agencies, including UNRWA. (end) gb