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European human rights court to hear case on downing of Malaysian airliner

BRUSSELS, Jan 25 (KUNA- -- The European Court of Human Rights Wednesday agreed to hear the case regarding the downing of Malaysian airliner MH17 in 2014.
The court, which is based in the French city of Strasbourg, in a press release said "there was sufficient evidence to satisfy the admissibility of the case." It noted that the Netherlands complained about the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine on 17 July 2014, which resulted in the deaths of 298 people, including 196 Dutch nationals.
The case also concerns complaints by Ukraine related to the conflict in eastern Ukraine involving pro-Russian separatists which began in spring 2014. The court ruled that the majority of the complaints by the Government of Ukraine are admissible.
However, observers note that last September Russia left the European Convention on Human Rights hence the case is complicated and can drag on for years. (end) nk.mt