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Arab League's contact group agreement on activating action against Ukrainian crisis

CAIRO, June 5 (KUNA) -- The Arab Contact Group agreed on Sunday, at the ministerial level, on the importance of a unified Arab action to contribute to the resolution of the Ukraine crisis.
The League of Arab States (LAS) said in a statement that this came during a meeting of the committee via videoconference to discuss the developments of the Ukraine crisis, its repercussions on the Arab region and ways to settle it.
The statement referred to the ministerial committee's agreement to take into consideration the importance of coordinating the efforts exerted internationally to contribute to settling the crisis, as part of continuing to implement the mission entrusted to it by the Arab League Council.
"The group agreed to continue to follow up, monitor and evaluate these developments during its successive sessions, and to discuss how to achieve effective progress in efforts to resolve the crisis within the framework of the strong friendship relations that bring the sides together," it pointed out. (end) mfm.rg.lr