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Kuwait warns against recruitment of children in armed conflicts

Kuwait diplomatic attache Sara Al-Zoman
Kuwait diplomatic attache Sara Al-Zoman
NEW YORK, Nov 27 (KUNA) -- The State of Kuwait on Wednesday highlighted the need to protect children against manipulation in armed conflicts.
Delivering her country's statement to a UN Security Council meeting, Kuwait diplomatic attache Sara Al-Zoman appreciated the efforts of the international community to better support children once they have been separated from armed forces and armed groups. The Arria-Formula Meeting on "Reintegration of Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups," focused on how bridging the "humanitarian-development-peace" (HDP) nexus can lead to more sustainable and successful reintegration of children associated with armed forces and armed groups.
Al-Zoman said the year 2018 saw 13,600 former child soldiers quitting armed groups, which constitutes a remarkable achievement in the joint efforts of the UN member states and civil society organizations.
"The separation of children from armed groups should be viewed as only a first step which should be followed by their reintegration into their respective communities," she reminded.
The recruitment of children in armed groups constitutes a big crime which could put them liable to further violations, Al-Zoman said.
Calling for a comprehensive approach to addressing the problem of former child soldiers, she said those children need psychological support to be better able to resume their childhood in familiar atmospheres.
She also urged incorporating children's views into the strategies for reintegration and post-conflict recovery and rehabilitation. The meeting, co-hosted by Belgium, Peru, Poland and the United Kingdom, was opened by Ambassador Marc Pecsteen de Buytswerve (Belgium) - the chair the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. (end) asf.gb