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Today in Kuwait's history

KUWAIT, Aug 25 (KUNA) -- 1952 -- Famous pearl merchant and religious scholar Eid Ebdah Al-Mutairi passes away.
1982 -- The Youth Theatre presents its first play; "Court Judge".
1990 -- The UN Security Council issues resolution 665 to use marine power when necessary in the Arabian Gulf area, to guarantee economic sanctions implementation against Iraq.
2002 -- Athlete, Abdullah Al-Duraie snatches gold medal in the 100m swimming contest, in the Asian Games for water sports held in China.
2010 -- Kuwaiti-Saudi joint technical committee meets to discuss status of the divided zone within shared interests along the borderlines between the two countries. A New Zealand Company handles the zone.
2013 -- Kuwait army aircraft arrives in Sudan to deliver USD-2.5-million worth of relief aid to flood victims.
2016 -- The Public Authority for Sports (PAS) dissolves boards of directors of Kuwait Football Association (KFA) and the Kuwait Olympic Committee. It assigns temporary committees to run both entities for six months whilst looking into allegation of financial violations. (end) gta