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Kuwaiti Ports Auth., Navy sign protocol to protect sea ports

Representatives of Ports Auth., Navy sign the protocol
Representatives of Ports Auth., Navy sign the protocol
KUWAIT, July 13 (KUNA) -- Kuwait Ports Authority (KPA) signed Saturday a cooperation protocol with the Ministry of Defense enabling the Navy to prepare security plans for the protection of ports nationwide.
"The protocol was signed at a time the region is experiencing a critical security condition," KPA Director General Sheikh Yusuf Abdullah Al-Sabah said in a statement.
"Therefore we need collaboration of efforts between the two sides (KPA and navy) in order to maintain security of Kuwaiti sea ports, and to make sure we are ready for any emergency," he added.
The protocol, signed at Mohammad Al-Ahmad Naval Base, stipulates training of navy forces on towing and guiding of ships approaching Kuwaiti ports or leaving from them, explained Sheikh Yusuf.
Attacks on oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz and Iran's shooting down a US unmanned airplane heightened security concerns in the Arabian Gulf region, amidst rising tension between the US and Iran. (end) aam.bs