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IFJ condemns "barbaric treatment of journalist by Houthis

BRUSSELS, June 11 (KUNA) -- The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on Monday condemned the death of Yemeni journalist Anwar Al-Rakan on 8 June just two days after his release from a Houthi prison, amid claims he had been tortured.
The IFJ in a statement strongly condemned "the brutal treatment in captivity which had led to his death." Al-Rakan had been detained in Al-Saleh city detention facility located in Taiz, Yemen for unknown reasons.
"We utterly condemn the barbaric treatment our brother Anwar was subjected to. It is not a coincidence that we chose Yemen as one of the seven countries for our End Impunity Campaign. The war between the Houthis and the Saudi-led coalition results in increased violations of journalists' rights." said IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger. "These systematic attacks against the press and journalists must stop immediately," he added. The Brussels-based IFJ represents around 600,000 journalists in 146 countries. (end) nk.msa