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Trump commits to increase defense spending

WASHINGTON, March 14 (KUNA) -- President Donald Trump expressed his commitment to modernizing and investing in the military during a speech to at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California on Tuesday.
"We're now undertaking the largest military buildup since Ronald Reagan and one of the largest buildups we've ever had in the history of our nation," he said.
Trump continued, "The two-year budget agreement I just reached with Congress will provide USD700 billion in defense funding this year, the largest ever -- larger by far than any country has ever spent." Next year, defense funding will be USD 716 billion, he said.
The president noted areas of investment including new F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighters and CH-53K King Stallion helicopters.
He discussed the modernization of US nuclear capabilities, rebuilding of the nuclear infrastructure, investments in hypersonic weapon systems, and the focus on space as a warfighting domain.
"We're also investing in our greatest weapon of all, our most powerful weapon, our most beautiful weapon, our most brilliant weapon: you," he said referring to the service members in the audience. He added that he seeks to give them the largest pay raise in more than a decade next year. (end) ak.gta