20:43 GMT
NEW YORK, Jan 16 (KUNA) -- Kuwait's Permanent United Nations Representative Ambassador Mansour Al-Otaibi has taken part in an official three-day United Nations Security Council visit to Afghanistan.
The visit, between January 13 and 15, is the first carried out by the UN organ since 2010 and aims to renew its commitment to Afghan "efforts on the ground to achieve security and stability in facing political and security challenges," read a statement by the Kuwaiti UN mission Tuesday.
Ambassador Al-Otaibi, along with fellow UNSC member country representatives, attended talks with the Afghan political leadership, including President Ashraf Ghani and National Unity Government Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah.
The meetings focused on the political, economic, security and social situations in the country, according to the statement.
The UNSC delegation highlighted the importance of international support and cooperation extended to Afghanistan, particularly on the matters of security and political stability, and efforts to tackle terrorism and drug trafficking.
Kuwait commenced its non-permanent member status of the UNSC at the start of the year. (end)