09:36 GMT
KUWAIT, May 13 (KUNA) -- Yemeni peace talks, hosted by Kuwait since April 21 under UN sponsorship, held a joint meeting on Friday to discuss ways to reach a real understanding and an end to the Yemeni crisis in line with the agreed terms of reference.
Representatives from the Yemeni government, Ansar Allah group, and the General People's Congress party are scheduled to assess committees' work so far on the political and security issues, including prisoners and detainees during the past four days.
The meeting would then tackle the next steps necessary to achieve a permanent and viable solution for implementation.
By the end of this week, the parties held two sessions and discussion highlighted several key issues, including restoration of the country's institutions, resumption of political dialogue, as well as military and security arrangements.
Also last night, the UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed said "the humanitarian and economic situations need an urgent solution.
"The parties should build on the unprecedented international support for a peaceful solution and work to reach an understanding soon," Ould Cheikh Ahmed added. (end)